To our World Leaders,
At Minderoo Foundation, we've made it our mission to eliminate the harmful effects of plastic on people and the planet.
That’s why this is our moment to change the #PlasticForecast.
Plastic waste is devastating our planet and has accumulated to such an extent it is now being found in our rain. We recycle just 9% of the plastic we produce.
Producing new plastic from fossil fuels impacts not just our environment, but our health. With global plastic production projected to triple by 2060, our planet and future generations will not be able to cope.
We need binding controls on the production and consumption of virgin fossil fuel plastics, and must agree on effective targets to reduce our global plastic footprint, so that we have a chance of ending plastic pollution.
We've made recommendations which will have a profoundly positive effect in dealing with the problem. These include limiting plastic derived from fossil fuels, establishing an urgent transition to a safe and circular plastics economy, and addressing the market failures that favour continuing production and consumption of new plastic which perpetuate the problem.
We need our world leaders to take ambitious action and establish a strong and binding plastic treaty that is guided by the best available science and knowledge.
We need to act now. For the future of our planet.
We need to act now.
For the future of our planet.